
Wednesday, July 18, 2012

S'mores Bars

I love summer and all the things that go with it!

We got invited to a beach bonfire, invite reading "bring your own meat and a dish to share"...

Naturally, my mind went straight to dessert and I thought of this bar that I found on pinterest (which, by the way, is now my FAVORITE way to get recipes.  It has introduced me to so many awesome food blogs, which is what sparked my inspiration for this blog :)  So thank you pinterest)!  ok, tangent over!

...Smore's Bars with Nutella!  Enough said! You had me at Nutella!

 I found the recipe at a fun food blog I enjoy called Sugar Crafter.  Now, to be honest I am not usually a big smore's fan.  Don't get me wrong... I like the occasional s'more at a campfire or bonfire but more for tradition sake.  I think it's the marshmallow, I am not a huge fan, so needless to say it is not a dessert I ever crave or really get excited for....until NOW!

I made these bars the night before the bonfire and actually had the discipline to wait until the late morning to taste them (more so, because instructions read wait until cooled rather than my actual will power).  Oh, but when I did taste them... (my mouth is watering just remembering).  The graham cracker cookie was SO soft and chewy, the perfect sandwich. And the Nutella, chocolate chips, and marshmallow were the perfect addition.

I had them cut and ready to go when I got a text that the bonfire was cancelled.


Now I have tasted these delicious cookies, there is no longer any event these cookies HAVE to make an appearance at, and my all my strength was used up waiting from the night before until then to try them.  What is a girl to do?

Luckily, I remembered my neighbor was home so, literally, I placed them on a plate and dropped them off as fast as I could.  Phew! Disaster adverted, and my neighbors were super stoked that I surprised them with such a yummy treat.  Of course, I saved a reasonable amount for us, but the key there is, reasonable! I didn't eat the whole dish...YAY! On step closer to my goal of eating "one bite of anything".

I hope you enjoy these as much as I did!

  • 1 stick butter, softened
  • 3/4 cup brown sugar
  • 1 egg
  • 1 1/2 tsp vanilla
  • 1 1/4 cup flour
  • 1 cup graham cracker crumbs
  • 1/2 tsp baking powder
  • 1/8 tsp salt
  • 1/2 cup Nutella or more :)
  • 7 ounces marshmallow creme
  • 1/2 cup semisweet chocolate chips
Preheat the oven to 350 and line a 8x8 baking pan with foil and spray the foil.  Leave enough foil coming out over the sides so you can lift it easily when it is done baking.

Cream together the butter and sugar.  Then add the egg and vanilla. Once creamed add in the dry ingredients and mix the batter until it is combined.

Press 1/2 of the cookie mixture into the bottom of the foiled pan.  (I sometimes wet my fingers or spatula with water when pressing down dough to avoid the batter pulling up). 

Smooth marshmallow creme over the pressed cookie batter. (If you are like me and don't love marshmallow you can use a little less than the jar and it would be even more amazing!)

Then spread the Nutella over the marshmallow creme and sprinkle the Nutella with chocolate chips.

With the remaining cookie dough place dough in  small pieces over the chocolate.  You want to place it in pieces so that the marshmallow and chocolate can ooze through the cracks when it bakes.
Bake for 30 minutes (or a little less, if you like your cookie super soft and chewy)  or until it' golden brown.

Once it has cooled completely remove it from the pan and cut into bars and serve or eat  and enjoy! :)


  1. I am going to try this dessert tonight for our small group!!! :)

  2. You wont be disappointed! Make sure to take them out on time if not a tad early! Have a bite or two for me :)
