
Friday, September 21, 2012

Salted Carmel Brownies

I consider myself a pretty healthy person (you might disagree with all the desserts I make, but I really don't eat them ALL).  I eat a balanced diet and work out to try and stay in shape, but let me tell you....I was definitely one of those women that ENJOYED eating my way through pregnancy...both times.   I took on the approach "well I am not getting any smaller I might as well eat insert yummy food here".  And I did!

I have been doing Baby Boot Camp for a few years now and continued though and after my second pregnancy.  Now, don't be too impressed...that ended up consisting of me and my 2 other pregnant friends walking far behind the group and then when our "workout" was over taking turns satisfying our cravings with a big yummy breakfast that, on a non pregnant day we would have never eaten.  Oh man, was it fun, but, oh how I spent the 16 months after birth paying for it.

Anyways all to say it was right after my first son was born that I was introduced to salted carmel.  I still remember the day fondly.  It was around Christmas time and my husband, Mr. Discipline, walked in with a gift from work of flavored caramels.  They were the best caramels I have ever had and I can't remember for the life of me where they were from (pregnancy brain how I loathe thee).  Well once I ate one of those delicious, mouth watering caramels, I became their biggest fan and have to try just about anything that is labeled salted caramel.  Needless to say when I came across this recipe it was a must try.   I hope you feel the same way!

Salted Caramel Brownies (adapted from Doughmesstic)

Salted Caramel:

1/2 cup heavy cream
1 tsp sea salt
1 cup sugar
2 Tbs light corn syrup
1 tsp  vanilla
1/4 cup sour cream
  • In a small saucepan combine heavy cream and sea salt over a very low heat and simmer until salt is dissolved and then set aside.
  • In a medium saucepan combine the sugar and the corn syrup on high heat.  They will not mix well until the sugar dissolves. Make sure to stir constantly so the sugar does not burn.  Once it has dissolved cook until a candy thermometer reads 350 degrees.  If you don't have a thermometer cook 6-8 minutes or until it is a medium goldish-brown (better to pull it off early than late).  Remove from heat and let cool 1 minute.
  • Stir the sugar mixture as you add the salted cream and vanilla.  
  • Stir in the sour cream and let the caramel cool to room temperature  as you start the brownies.
finished caramel
350 degrees or goldish-brown

You can make this ahead if you need just store in a air tight container and refrigerate, then pull out and let it get to room temp before you use it.  You could use this recipe for many things, on top ice cream, apple pie, eat with a spoon...get creative!


If you like baking from scratch follow the recipe below.  If you need to save a few minutes use a box I love the Ghirardelli box mix. (I might try this next time I make this recipe...ssshhh!)

4 ounces unsweetened chocolate
1/2 cup butter
1 1/2 cups sugar
2 tsp vanilla
3 eggs
1 1/2 cups flour
pinch of salt
3 Tbs chocolate syrup
  • Melt chocolate and butter in a small sauce pan until melted.  Then let cool for 5 minutes.
  • Meanwhile, in a separate bowl mix together sugar, vanilla and eggs.
  • Once mixed add flour, salt, chocolate syrup, and melted chocolate and stir until well combined.
  • In a greased 8x8 pan add a little over half of the brownie batter and bake at 375 for 18 minutes.
  • Remove from oven and pour half the salted caramel mixture over the top of the brownies.  Then spoonful the rest of the brownie batter on top of the caramel and spread, its okay if it mixes with the caramel a bit.
  • Return to the oven and bake for another 18-22 minutes.  They brownies might appear shaky due to caramel but will set as they cool, better to take them out early rather than too late. 
after baking
before baking
The edges of the brownies were the only parts that oozed with caramel.  They were good but I did not get the salted caramel I was hoping I took the remaining caramel mixture and drizzled it over the top and oh man were they delicious  and RICH...have a glass of milk near by and enjoy :)