Hello, I am Tiffany and I love food. Usually, the sweeter the better!
I am a wife and mother to two of the cutest boys in the world (there is a chance I am slightly biased being their mother and all), but I have heard it from their grandparents, too! I work part-time as a school counselor and in my spare time I LOVE to bake and cook. My favorite part is my boys are starting to love it too. My oldest, 3.5 year old says "mommy are we going to mix" as he pushes the chair over to the counter, and my 1.5 year old comes running over to see as soon as I pull the mixer out.
I grew up in San Jose, California where I learned to cook from an early age with my mother and both grandmothers. My family is Italian and Croation which, in short means, we like to eat! I grew up playing competive soccer which allowed me to eat as many bites of anything as I wanted. As I have "matured" I still love to eat but I am not nearly as active so I came up with the plan....I can have one bite of anything. To be honest, right now that is more of a theory or goal I am trying to obtain. I am not known for my self-control around home-made baked goods. I usally have to get them out of the house as fast as I can or, yes, I will eat it ALL! So my husband, Mr. Discipline (we are a good balance) finds himself taking lots of yummys to work!

My husband and I met at Azusa Pacific University, and after we got married he moved me down to beautiful Southern California, which I must say, if I am not going to live in the same town as my family, is the best place to live. I still love to be active and I am excited about this blog and hope to achieve my goal that I can enjoy ALL the foods I love and still be healthy.
Mr. Smiley |
The Engineer |
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